Step One: Domain Name

The first step in building your web site is to secure your own domain name. www.youraddress.com
We can help you get started for $25/year with your own domain name.
Step Two: Domain Hosting
Now you need to find a home for your domain name so that people can view your new web site and email you at your www.youraddress.com.
We include:
Domain name registration or site transfer of your existing site
Unlimited pop3 email addresses (yourname@youraddress.com)
Unlimited email aliases and email forwarding
Ample storage space
Auto responders
$25 per month (payable one year in advance)
$50 one time set-up fee 
Payment Terms:

Blue Marlin Studios requires a minimum of half the total expected amount due in advance, for design, consulting and promotional services.  The remaining balance is due upon project completion and prior to search engine submission and live posting.

Fees for site hosting and maintenance are payable in full, in advance, according to respective payment terms for service.  Hosting and maintenance are non-cancelable, non-refundable items.

Copyright 2007 Blue Marlin Studios